Why Emotions?
Role of Emotions in Communication
People will forget what you said, but will never forget how you made then feel
True communication usually does not occur until each person understands the feelings that underlie the spoken words. People generally feel more understood, cared for, and connected when the communication focuses on their emotions and feelings rather than merely on their words or thoughts.
Consider this the magic of effective communication. Our goal must go beyond understanding the spoken words to grasping the emotional nugget underlying the words. It’s far more important to discover and address the emotions beneath the situation than to parrot the words we hear. Ask yourself, “What is the emotional impact of these words?” not merely, “What exact words did I just hear?”
We need to he listens for the emotions beneath the words? Others are using emotions to express their feelings and thoughts, so we must understand the whole message not just the words.
We should pay more attention to the Inner person (soul and spirit) , since this will last forever ever but the body will decay
1 Peter 3:3-4
God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power,love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. 2 Tim 1:7
Emotional issues are like set of wires mingled together ,takes time to fix them one at a time
Impact of Emotions
Emotions have a profound impact on every aspect of our life, from our thoughts, health, relationships, accomplishments.
Emotions influence our decisions and the way we make decisions and the timing to make decisions
Emotions impact our spiritual life, our relationship with our heavenly father